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I write things

Mostly for me, but also for other publications. To get my writing in your inbox, sign up for my newsletter.

Sooo easy

In 2017, I wrote a piece on Hustle Guilt where I argued that we’ve put the wrong values on a pedestal when it comes to what we call “hard work” and “sacrifice.” It’s hold hat 🎩now. Once Mrs. Huffington collapsed on her desk and Peterson’s burnout piece went viral the world took a collective, “oh shit.” And (…)

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Wine and Writing For Normal People

Perception almost always outweighs science when it comes to wine. I’ll fight anyone who says Cabernets taste the same in a solo cup as they do in a glass with a wide base and narrow top. I’ll cite some fact about oxygen (“oxygenation”) that I stole from a sommelier. I’ll die on that hill if (…)

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tennis court

What The Inner Game of Tennis Can Teach You About Copywriting

We recently moved to a new city in which I have approximately two IRL friends. Those two friends thought it would be fun to play tennis. I did not. I do not play tennis nor am I interested in learning tennis. At my spouse’s urging to invest in new relationships (also peer pressure) I accepted (…)

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Toddler Book Teardown (Also My Yom Kippur Sermon on Forgiveness)

My kid has this book about making mistakes called, “It’s Ok To Make Mistakes.” It’s cute and means well, but there is one page that drives me nuts. There is an elephant standing on a diving board over a pool who clearly does not want to jump off that diving board into that pool. And the copy (…)

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Holding Onto The Dream of Being a “Real” Writer

I don’t know about you, but I’m still waiting for the day I get pulled aside by a teacher who lets me in on a secret. And the secret is I’m a precocious genius who has unparalleled talent, unlike anything she’s ever seen before. And if I would just get over my horrible attitude! the (…)

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How To Write Cold Emails That Get Opened

The latest bro marketing trend, which you will recognize from your spam folder, is offering business owners a “chance to be featured” in a bogus media outlet for the low low price of $2,500. That pitch isn’t the problem. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’m willing to bet there is a market for (…)

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arial view of woman at desk on laptop reading email writing email newsletter

Why Is No One Reading My Newsletter?

Back in April, I had the privilege of speaking at Newsletter Fest (“A FREE online conference to ignite your newsletter strategy!”) and you can watch the talk here. The polite version of how this talk came to be is that Curated asked me to come on and talk about email newsletter myths. The real version is (…)

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woman jumping having fun havng a life

How to Get a Life (no, really, how?)

The best manager I ever worked for told me to work less. Having just been scolded for needing to bill more hours to our clients, I was confused by his advice. “I need you to have a life. It’s part of your job as a marketer. We need to be in the zeitgeist.” I think (…)

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Think Deeper

Forty hours.  It took me 40. freaking. hours to write (and re-write and edit) the piece that led me to my first “viral” moment. For every “viral” moment I’ve had since, it’s taken about the same amount of work. Quality, for me, takes time. Time, patience, and so.much.editing.  Those three ingredients feel diametrically opposed to (…)

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The “I’m Better Than This” Phenomenon

“I SENT ONE EMAIL AND NOTHING HAPPENED.” I was older and more experienced than I care to admit in public when I had the above reaction to what-I-deemed-was a failed launch. I’d drank the online business Koolaid and believed that I should have arrived by now at the point where you “make sales while you (…)

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