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mail and poems

There are piles of mail that live on my kitchen counter. It did not used to be like this. It used to be I was organized and uncluttered, but now it seems there are piles everywhere. Piles in the car, piles on the couch, piles on the desk. I don’t know how they arrive; they (…)

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group of people over 50 middle age taking a photo with drinks, representing how some people want and choose this life and find meaning in it while others clearly do not want to be there

At least he’s consistent

They say it is a mark of intelligence to be able to change your mind. Watching the news [​which you should not​] you’d think the opposite. “Flip flopper!” gets lobbed against political candidates as a sign of non-reliability. A mark against you. When really, it’s the hallmark of a good leader. When you vote for (…)

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Two fathers and their daughter reading a book

Lecture Series: A Tribute to Dads on Father’s Day

Growing up I spent a lot of time with my dad. We would go on what he called “drives” which were actually him working on weekends, but I had no idea because we talked and sang the entire time. The “drives” were to properties he needed to visit, but to me, they were adventures filled with (…)

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What Lies Underneath Worry

It hasn’t happened recently, but occasionally, I will publish a piece that evokes an: Are you ok? Should I be worried? First of all, yes, you should be worried about me as I am worried about you and the state of the world all day every day. It’s part of having been born Jewish. My (…)

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Meaningful Texts: Uses of The Erotic by Audre Lorde

It is possible that all the answers to life’s questions are in one book:  The Selected Works of Audre Lorde . If you’re unfamiliar with Lorde’s work, strap in because no one is more deliberate with words, discerning with ideas, and more cutthroat when it comes to truth-telling than Lorde. To read her is to see (…)

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Psychological Honesty: The Road To Self-Actualization

“But what do you WANT to write about?” I asked him again. He couldn’t answer. He said he wanted to write a book. But he was lying. Every answer was a well-thought-out formula. An idea that could be. A template. An approach. He was a strong writer in that he was great with words. He (…)

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Why Open AI ChatGPT Will Not Ruin Writing, But We Will

This is my least favorite topic at the moment because, well, outrage is profoundly boring to me. But enough people have asked me to comment on ChatGPT so here we are. Am I worried about it. What are my thoughts. What will happen to writing and writers and original thought!  I’ll start with the punchline: (…)

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Clear is Kind: Why You Should Endure The Discomfort of Being Direct

There is no such thing as a friendly reminder. “Friendly reminders” are passive-aggressive roundabout ways of avoiding direct communication and clarifying your position. There are fascinating reasons why we do this, which Dr. Harriett Lerner, Patron Saint Of All Things Anger, talks about in detail here. The gist is that many of us avoid conflict (…)

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