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The Real Reason Self-Promotion Sucks

No one likes promoting themselves. It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and makes us all feel like we’re bragging and annoying people. When you start to feel like, “I’m not a salesperson. I’m the subject matter expert. I shouldn’t have to do this. I’m above this.” one of four things happens: You start to explore your paid-ad options (…)

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How to Write a Good Customer Survey

“Are you afraid of the impending robot revolution or do you feel completely safe and not at all worried about A.I. technology?” That wasn’t a joke. A real surveyor for a real (and prestigious!) institution asked me this. A pollster called my landline and I agreed to “answer a few brief questions on the economy.” (…)

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When You’re Ready to Throw in the Towel

My fiancé was laughing at me. I had just declared my foray into entrepreneurialism a bust and he was laughing. “Who says “throwin’ in the towel’ anyway?” “I do.” “You’re not throwing in the towel.” “Yes, I am. I’m not cut out for this. I was wrong. This was stupid. It’s over.” Laughing. He was (…)

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Why Can’t Marketers Just Explain What They Do In a Way That Makes Sense

Why Marketing Is So Confusing (When It Doesn’t Have To Be)

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Why Do Marketers Keep Promising You a Silver Bullet That Doesn’t Work?

How Marketers Take Advantage of Business Owners Who Don’t Know Any Better

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