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What Would You Do If You Had All The Money In The World?

There is a question they ask in self-help groups that drives me crazy. The question is: “What would you do with your time if you had $10 million in cash?” The first problem with this question is it assumes the people who struggle with what they’re doing in their lives don’t have $10 million in cash, which is (…)

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Stay Curious My Friends

A friend of mine’s been insisting I listen to Brene Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us, but, instead, I did the opposite and just went on with my life. This particular friend doesn’t let up, so I reluctantly listened to Brene talk to Celeste Ng and  Ibram X. Kendi and Kerry Washington and Alicia Keys and I WAS HOOKED BECAUSE IT’S A REALLY WONDERFUL (…)

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Stop Blaming Advertisers

For a hot second during quarantine Hulu had a bunch of old Bond movies up and my husband and I could not get enough.  Old James Bond movies are terrible. They’re slow, the plots are dumb, the special effects are obvious, and the fight scenes are super awkward. They’re also EXTREMELY racist. Like, next-level offensive. (…)

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Coronavirus Is Serious, But Panic Is Optional

Here’s What You Need To Know About Headlines and The Media To Stay Calm During a Pandemic

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The Secret Marketing Tactics That Every Succesful Brand Knows

Actionable tactics. That’s what they tell you. More tactics! Whenever I give a talk, the conference organizers are like the tactics police: ACTIONABLE. WE NEED ACTIONABLE STUFF HERE OK. I love tactics too. I don’t want to go learn about SEO and someone gives me a shpiel on how I need to trust myself and (…)

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The Single Most Important Skill You Need To Be Culitvating in 2019

AMENITY LOUNGE SATURDAY 1-4PM Just a friendly reminder we will be having a birthday party for our son in the amenity lounge on Saturday from 1-4PM. We know the space can’t be reserved, so we hope this doesn’t interfere with anyone’s plans! Thanks so much! If this opener made you want to vomit in your (…)

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When It’s Ok To Lie

We were at brunch when the beautiful blonde took a sip of her mimosa and said, “I don’t get what the big deal is. Everyone lies.” The other three women shook their heads in agreement and took a bite of their salads. No one seemed shocked or put off by the comment (except me). I (…)

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How I Got An Entire Apartment Complex Obsessed With Buying My Bar Stools

A few weeks ago I listed three bar stools on our apartment’s internal bulletin board. I list things on there all the time because I’m a weirdo who likes practicing my sales and copy skills in my free time…some days it’s shoes, other days it’s a juicer. This time it was barstools. 9x out of (…)

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