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I write things

Mostly for me, but also for other publications. To get my writing in your inbox, sign up for my newsletter.

When It’s Ok To Lie

We were at brunch when the beautiful blonde took a sip of her mimosa and said, “I don’t get what the big deal is. Everyone lies.” The other three women shook their heads in agreement and took a bite of their salads. No one seemed shocked or put off by the comment (except me). I (…)

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Let’s Stop Hating on Experts, Shall We?

One of my favorite moments of all time was at a roundtable with Esther Perel. There were 10 of us and this guy raises his hand and asks how he can be a better husband to his wife who’s pregnant because he knows that when you’re pregnant your brain changes and he’d like to support her. (…)

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What We Can Learn From The Woman Who Emotionally Exploded Over Cupcakes

There’s a woman in my coworking space who cleans the space every morning. Today she is frazzled. I hear her on the intercom radio thingy talking to management. She’s stumped. Someone is planning to have an event here at 11:30AM and they’ve (apparently) left food and plates and other party things out in anticipation of (…)

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Save the Best for First

On a random Tuesday in – actually no wait, maybe it was was a Wednesday? Honestly, I have no idea what day it was and it’s not at all relevant to the story. The story is that it was mid-day on a day with nothing planned when my mother found my grandmother getting all dolled up. My mom is (…)

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How I Got An Entire Apartment Complex Obsessed With Buying My Bar Stools

A few weeks ago I listed three bar stools on our apartment’s internal bulletin board. I list things on there all the time because I’m a weirdo who likes practicing my sales and copy skills in my free time…some days it’s shoes, other days it’s a juicer. This time it was barstools. 9x out of (…)

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What’s Holding You Back From Doing Your Work?

She was like a character out of a storybook. The scary witch. Her hair disheveled and she always wore black and smelled like cigarettes. When I asked her for feedback on the fifth draft of my thesis, she said that I couldn’t use one of the books I’d chosen. “I get that you love it. (…)

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man staring at view lake mountains

Before You Buy That Online Course – Read This

Professor Richard Feynman once tweeted, “The trick to learning is enjoying.” Except, he didn’t actually tweet it because he’s dead and someone else is running this twitter account. But it doesn’t matter because that’s not the point of this article. The trick to learning is enjoying. When was the last time you actually enjoyed learning? Frantically (…)

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Thinking About Starting a Lifestyle Business? Here’s Why You Should

With the rise of startups and the insane unicorn returns that have come with them, “lifestyle business” has become a dirty word. A polite way of saying “doesn’t make money” or “not a real business.” It’s not altogether wrong. Since Tim Ferriss’s breakout hit, 4 Hour Work Week, thousands of idealists have flocked to Southeast Asia to “escape (…)

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When Business Sucks And It’s Hard

We were in a van. Packed in like sardines. It was the perfect setting for my favorite pastime: eavesdropping. Paul Graham says you can judge a place by what you eavesdrop and this van was no exception. Listening intently, I heard a woman turn to the man next to her and say, “The hotel business seems really (…)

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Does A Blog Really Matter For Your Business?

It’s like online marketing bible. “WRITE MORE!! START A BLOG! TELL YOUR STORY!!!” Every content marketer worth their weight in gold will tell you you’re an idiot if you don’t have a blog. “You gotta put your work out there!”  Where is there? I’m not sure, but I know the cool kids are there. “You (…)

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