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How To Poke A Hole

This week a friend of mine quit the online business world, quit self-help, and quit thought leadership. I encouraged his quitting because I don’t believe you should do things that aren’t aligned with who you are. But some of the reasons he cited for quitting were disturbing because they’re the same reasons I often want to bail (…)

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Why We Don’t Change

We need to talk about belief when it comes to the things you want. You can want something very much, but if you believe, sincerely, you aren’t worthy or capable of it – it’s game over before we’ve even started.

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What Happens When You Put Lazy Content Out There For a Click

A friend of mine has this fantastic online business idea. When he was explaining how he was going to grow it, he said something that hit me after we got off the phone: “I’ll just hire some writers to churn out some content for $150.” NO. No. No. nonononononononoooooooooo Listen, my inner Robber Baron gets it. (…)

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Why I Shut Down The Arena

There’s The Business You Can Run and The Business You Should. Which One Is This?

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The Single Most Important Skill You Need To Be Culitvating in 2019

AMENITY LOUNGE SATURDAY 1-4PM Just a friendly reminder we will be having a birthday party for our son in the amenity lounge on Saturday from 1-4PM. We know the space can’t be reserved, so we hope this doesn’t interfere with anyone’s plans! Thanks so much! If this opener made you want to vomit in your (…)

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HAMYAW Hillary and Margo Yell at Websites

Hillary and Margo YELL AT WEBSITES: #HAMYAW is here

It was a cold and rainy night in Manhattan. Two well-dressed women were out for dinner when they decided to class-it-up and get some cheap beer at a local pub. And that night. Magic happened. Woman #1, who we will heretofore refer to as “Margo,” was lamenting how awkward and weird she is on camera, (…)

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You Should Start A Podcast (And Other Things You “Should” Do)

If I had a dollar for every genius who told me, “you should start a podcast!” I’d be a wealthy woman. They’re the same geniuses who told me I “really should do” a YouTube channel, Instagram quote pictures, and (my personal favorite) QR codes. People in the peanut gallery are always eager to tell you (…)

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SEO Is Simpler Than You Think. 5 Things Every Beginner Needs to Know to Get It Right

This post was originally published on As a non-tech founder, I understand the resistance that comes with doing anything that makes you feel stupid. For me, that includes web design, HTML, and search engine optimization (SEO). This was particularly embarrassing since SEO is one of the most foundational digital marketing tools in the toolbox and I was (…)

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