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Mental Health

What Are You Reading?

Some people might argue that purple lipstick is not an essential, but they never had to pack all their “essentials” in a carry-on for two weeks at the age of 14. So yes, my purple lipstick made the cut (GOD WHY). Packing was sanctimonious for my mother, who insisted that anyone who checked luggage was (…)

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See You On The Other Side

Few years ago Robert Cialdini wrote the book Influence that outlines the ways in which you can persuade people. [cue ethical debate here] We’ll talk ethics another time because today I want to talk consistency. It’s been a while since I read that book, but the chapter on commitment and consistency stands out as the (…)

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There Are Eight Planets In The Solar System

The song goes like this: There are 8 planets 8 planets In the solar system It’s a terrible song and it plays on repeat in my house because I have a toddler who enjoys <strike> torturing me </strike> learning things on YouTube. I remember when Pluto was demoted from “planet” to “dwarf planet” in 2006. (…)

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Something A Little Different

You know when you eat too much cheese and you turn into a human blob of bloating and immobility? I feel like we’ve all eaten too much cheese. We’re encumbered. Some of us are encumbered with children or spouses, others encumbered with silence and stillness. They’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have (…)

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What Would You Do If You Had All The Money In The World?

There is a question they ask in self-help groups that drives me crazy. The question is: “What would you do with your time if you had $10 million in cash?” The first problem with this question is it assumes the people who struggle with what they’re doing in their lives don’t have $10 million in cash, which is (…)

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Beauty Amidst A Pandemic

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. 🎶​Please tell me more of your fa-vor-ite thiiiiiiiings. 🎶 I need some good news y’all. Earlier this week my aunt shared a beautiful story about her friend whose family is thriving now that they’re not encumbered (…)

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A New Definition of “Killing It”

A friend admitted recently she was embarrassed that she *actually* believed the marketing messages targeting her about making “6-figures while working 3-hours a week from the beach!” She was shrouded in shame as she told me and perplexed as to why she was STILL clinging to that dream. “I want it to be true,” she (…)

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The Future Of Work Is Right Now

Let’s start with uncomfortable truth #1: Rugged individualism is not a thing.  This belief that you alone are responsible for your outcomes in life is absolute hogwash.  Yes, I know, I’m supposed to open with an intro paragraph that warms you up, but we’re busy, after all, it’s a PANDEMIC. And I have like 10 (…)

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