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Why We Buy Things We Don’t Need

You know that feeling of standing in your closet filled with clothes, but you have nothing to wear? Most people believe that feeling is the brainchild of evil of branding and marketing experts conspiring to make you addicted to wanting more stuff. Trust me, marketers wish they could dupe you into buying things you don’t want. Heck, I’d (…)

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How to Write a Good Customer Survey

“Are you afraid of the impending robot revolution or do you feel completely safe and not at all worried about A.I. technology?” That wasn’t a joke. A real surveyor for a real (and prestigious!) institution asked me this. A pollster called my landline and I agreed to “answer a few brief questions on the economy.” (…)

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When You’re Ready to Throw in the Towel

My fiancé was laughing at me. I had just declared my foray into entrepreneurialism a bust and he was laughing. “Who says “throwin’ in the towel’ anyway?” “I do.” “You’re not throwing in the towel.” “Yes, I am. I’m not cut out for this. I was wrong. This was stupid. It’s over.” Laughing. He was (…)

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