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Is Everyone Entitled to A Platform?


“Not everyone should start a blog!” A client threw this slinger at my friend. “I wasn’t suggesting everyone start a blog,” she told me over dinner recounting the story. “I was suggesting she start a blog since she wanted to be a writer and the traditional approach wasn’t working for her.” My friend was horrified at how her…

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How Sam Harris Is Supporting His Work Without Running Ads

I’ll sit, staring at the screen, credit card in hand, thinking, “Put your money where your mouth is, Margo. Do it already.” Then, like clockwork, I proceed to do something else.This scenario happens once a day as I attempt to support my favorite content producers on Patreon. Despite being vocal about the future of media…

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What Just Happened

At some point last night, we all had that moment. That moment you tell your grandkids about, like where you were when Kennedy was shot or when the first tower was hit. Last night, that moment was, “Oh %^&!, he’s really going to win.” I was on the couch with my husband glued to our…

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