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The 5 Best Marketing Blogs That Will Make You A Better Marketer

When it comes to marketing, there is a lot of content out there. But there aren’t many platforms that consistently provide high-quality content year after year. As someone who’s spent the better part of the last decade reading marketing blogs, I’ve grown accustomed to seeing an enticing headline that immediately lets you down once you get to the content.…

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Why You Shouldn’t Have a Marketing Department (Have This Instead)


You know how you aggressively brush your teeth the night before a dentist appointment? Like, if you just brush REALLY hard, your dentist won’t notice that you haven’t been flossing those back teeth for months. It never works. Your dentist always notices because she’s a dentist. It’s her job to know you’ve been half-assing your…

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How Sam Harris Is Supporting His Work Without Running Ads

I’ll sit, staring at the screen, credit card in hand, thinking, “Put your money where your mouth is, Margo. Do it already.” Then, like clockwork, I proceed to do something else.This scenario happens once a day as I attempt to support my favorite content producers on Patreon. Despite being vocal about the future of media…

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