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The False Dichotemy of Work and Fun

Netflix has an autoplay feature that is both helpful and deeply annoying if you just want the TV on in the background and aren’t looking for a trailer of whatever you left your remote pointing at. I had just turned on Netflix when it recommended a series about Work to which I thought hmmm. I…

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A Grammar Crisis

A friend pulled me into a marital dispute which is a precarious place to be and in ordinary circumstances I recommend avoiding this at all costs, but this dispute was a grammar one and so I had no choice. I had to weigh in. The dispute was over whether or not it was kosher to begin a…

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Remote Bartending Is A Thing Now

Few years ago, I had my own column at Inc. Inc sold my email address to some company named Meltwater that has since distributed it to every bad PR company in the Western Hemisphere. No matter how many requests I make to be removed (and how many years go by that I am no longer an Inc…

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The Future Of Work Is Right Now

Let’s start with uncomfortable truth #1: Rugged individualism is not a thing.  This belief that you alone are responsible for your outcomes in life is absolute hogwash.  Yes, I know, I’m supposed to open with an intro paragraph that warms you up, but we’re busy, after all, it’s a PANDEMIC. And I have like 10…

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When Something’s Gotta Give Make It This

exhausted something's gotta give

Been getting a lot of advice lately that “something’s gotta give.” And it’s a hilarious and infuriating piece of advice to give a new mom running a business. You’ve literally added 633 billion things to my to-do list, taken my sleep (among many other things), and now you’re telling me I need to cut some…

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Thinking About Starting a Lifestyle Business? Here’s Why You Should

With the rise of startups and the insane unicorn returns that have come with them, “lifestyle business” has become a dirty word. A polite way of saying “doesn’t make money” or “not a real business.” It’s not altogether wrong. Since Tim Ferriss’s breakout hit, 4 Hour Work Week, thousands of idealists have flocked to Southeast Asia to “escape…

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Millennials Want to Change the World. Why Don’t We Let Them?

Millennial change the world

It was 1PM in the afternoon when she called. She was upset. Her boss undermined her authority again. He’d gone on a verbally abusive Slack rant, disrespected her in front of her entire staff, and continued to doubt her expertise. Naturally, she needed to vent. She had 10 minutes during her lunch break, so she called…

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